Monday, April 28, 2014


It might seem like a small milestone to seasoned bloggers, but I am SO EXCITED to have reached over 1,000 view this morning!

I'm going to take this opportunity to also announce that we are moving from New York to Florida this summer! We (the bf and I) are very excited about this new chapter in our lives, and to finally be WARM for once! :)

If anyone has any tips about moving/packing or Florida in general I would love to hear them! (You can comment below).

Also, since I reached 1,000 views today, I thought I would try to survey my followers and see what they'd like me to blog more about. Do you want more dessert recipes? More healthy dinners? More DIY beauty products? Or maybe something else? I would really LOVE to hear your suggestions!
Maybe I'll even share some of my creations with those that post a comment....     ;-)

Anyway, THANK YOU so much for following my blog or even just reading it occasionally. Your comments are what make me want to keep blogging! Here's to another thousand views! 

(Enjoy my explanatory emotion GIFs --- which don't seem to be playing automatically, but if you click on them they should). 

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