Happy Memorial Day! It is FINALLY beautiful here in New York and I am officially ready for it to be summer!
All this nice, warm weather puts me in such a good mood! 8-) It's one of the many reasons we're moving to Florida (in exactly one month tomorrow!) I can't wait to live in a place with amazing weather more than 3 months out of the year. That being said, I will miss summertime in NY - so far it's the only thing I can think of that I'll miss! (Except our friends and family, of course!)
In honor of this lovely 3-day weekend and my upbeat attitude, here are the recipes for our dinner tonight - Buffalo Chicken Wraps (made in the Crockpot), and Red Potato Salad.
The Chicken is EXTREMELY easy to make.
- 2 chicken breasts (I used frozen organic)
- ~1/2 cup buffalo sauce (I used Sweet Baby Rays)
- thin cut carrot sticks and celery sticks
-blue cheese crumbles
Place the chicken and sauce in the Crockpot for about 4 hours on high (if frozen). Shred the chicken with 2 forks and mix around in the sauce.
Build your wrap. You can add whatever you'd like, but I recommend a few carrot and celery sticks, a leaf of lettuce, and some blue cheese crumbles.
For the potato salad, you will need:
- 6 red potatoes, scrubbed and cut into chunks
- ~ 1 tsp. mustard
- ~1 1/2 tsp. white vinegar
- ~ 1 tsp. red wine vinegar
-salt and pepper to taste
- ~ 1/2 tsp. dill
- ~ 1/2 tsp. garlic
- ~ 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt (or mayo if your prefer)
- ~1/4 tsp. paprika (I used smoked)
I'd be lying if I said I actually measured any of these ingredients (I rarely measure when cooking, but ALWAYS when baking). That being said, I gave you some approximations, but it's salad not rocket science, so feel free to add or subtract as you see fit.
Mix all the remaining ingredients together. Then mix with the potatoes. Cool in the refrigerator for about an hour.
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